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Battle Chasers: Night War | Environment Concepts | Junktown

As someone with an almost unreasonable amount of love for wooden textures, I had a blast visualizing and building 3D assets for this zone.

The game was made by a tiny team (3-4 Environment artist/Worldbuilders altogether) so everything here is loose and practical. My teammates did an amazing job making this zone alive and rich with variety.

©Airship Syndicate

The idea for this zone was originally a city made of floating platforms.  It was initially born out of a half-hour sketch (top).  The bottom sketch later evolved into the garden zone.

The idea for this zone was originally a city made of floating platforms. It was initially born out of a half-hour sketch (top). The bottom sketch later evolved into the garden zone.

Early Ideas of adding colors and variety to the zone.

Early Ideas of adding colors and variety to the zone.

Ideas of larger metal pieces

Ideas of larger metal pieces

Metal kit sketch

Metal kit sketch

Lightsource sketch

Lightsource sketch

Building component sketch - many of these ended up as in-game assets as the basis of the architectural kit

Building component sketch - many of these ended up as in-game assets as the basis of the architectural kit

Trap ideas

Trap ideas

Additional environmental prop ideas

Additional environmental prop ideas

"Shrine" sketch - this ended up being used as a decoration over the cantina I believe.

"Shrine" sketch - this ended up being used as a decoration over the cantina I believe.

large gate sketches

large gate sketches